It’s scary how little attention most poker players give to mental recovery.
A long poker sessions is one of the most mentally draining activities imaginable.
The amount of decisions you need to make in one session is probably more than the average person will make in an entire month.
The simple truth is, decision making fatigues your brain massively…
and if you don’t take the time to allow your mind to recover you will quickly become burned out.
The problem is…
it’s very hard to switch off your “poker brain” after a session.
Tough hands can stick with you for days, and those brutal beats are always hard to forget.
That problem is solved with the Recovery Booster MP3.
Use it at least once a week when you have some time to take a break.
This MP3 guides you through visualizations designed to give closure to any past sessions…
and puts you in the state of pure relaxation necessary for mental recovery.
Attention to mental recovery is a secret weapon of most of the top players in the game.
This MP3 makes the process as simple as possible.
Format: MP3
Run Time: 11:29
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