LESSON #5 of 5
Subject: Lesson 5 of 5: The Gladiator, The Burnout & The A-Game Player
You’ve made it to the final day of the Six Levers training.
This email exclusive training was a bit of an experiment and judging by the feedback that’s coming in, a very successful one.
My goal with this training is to give you a framework for discovering the biggest bottlenecks holding you back from the poker success you desire, so you can get unstuck and take the first steps to achieving your biggest poker goals.
Today is the final lesson, and it’s going to be a fun one.
As always, if you’ve missed any of the previous lessons, please go back and read them all before you dive into this one.
Lesson 5: The Delusional Gladiator, The Burnout & The A-Game Player
Now that you know the Six Levers that control your poker profits, and how they interact with each other, it’s time to show how this plays out in the real world.
I’ve created a list of “Bottleneck Profiles” that I see repeated over and over again in the players that I work with.
In each profile, I list the lever, or combination on levers that are the hallmark of the profile, as well as whether that lever is “high ↑” or “low ↓” in the given scenario.
You’ll quickly recognize these profiles, as they make up the cast of characters that consistently show up on the tables.
If you’re not currently achieving everything you desire in the game, than chances are you fit into one (or more) of these categories.
Let’s start with:
All Heart, False Start
This player has all the heart in the world but is lacking the technical skills to actually turn a profit.
They are passionate about the game and seem to know all the relevant terminology, but dig a little bit deeper and you quickly discover that their knowledge is only surface deep.
Lever Profile: ↓ Skill ↓ Edge ↑ Efficiency ↑ Volume ↑ Stakes

The Perfectionist
This player puts in tons of work to improve their game…
in fact too much work.
They have a mental block holding them back from actually playing in anything but the perfect conditions. They are crushing low-stakes, but feel like they aren’t ready to put in volume until they have a high-stakes skill set.
So they grind PioSolver for 5 hours a day, purchase all the major courses and memberships, and only put in one or two sessions a week.
When they do make it to the table, if anything small goes wrong they instantly quit the session. If their A-Game moves to A-, they snap quit and are done for the day.
Lever Profile: ↑ Skill ↑ Edge ↑ Efficiency ↓ Volume

The Gladiator
This player is out to conquer the poker world and prove they are the best of the best. They seek out the toughest games at the highest stakes possible.
They are an excellent player and are more excited by the thought of crushing a solid reg than they are by optimizing their profits.
They will often forgo good games for tough ones and will sit around and wait for a bigger game rather than jumping in a soft game at lower stakes.
Lever Profile: ↑ Skill ↓ Edge ↓ Volume ↑ Stakes

The Delusional Gladiator
The Delusional Gladiator has the same mindset as The Gladiator, without the skill to back it up. They consider everyone terrible except themselves and instantly mark players as fish if they make just one play they perceive as bad.
They can convince themselves of this even when a player is sitting alone at multiple nosebleed tables, and not getting any action.
The Delusional Gladiator will tilt quickly and play long sessions when they become frustrated that they are losing to “an absolutely horrible, sloth-like, mouth-breathing” opponent.
Lever Profile: ↓ Skill ↓ Edge ↓ Efficiency ↑ Stakes ↑ Volume

The Extreme Game Selector
This player will only play in the very best games out there. If it seems like their opponents can even spell the word poker, they won’t give action, leading to low volume.
Since this player is only playing with a considerable edge, they don’t focus much on improving their skills. While they win at a very high rate, their low volume, and lack of study put them at a high risk to become extinct if their juicy games dry up.
Lever Profile: ↓ Skill ↑ Edge ↓ Volume

The Bankroll Nit
While bankroll management is a vital skill for a successful player, The Bankroll Nit takes things to the extreme. They are a strong player, put in solid and efficient study hours, and have a strong mindset at the tables.
Due to their excessive risk aversion, they are playing multiple levels below what they are capable of beating, and have a considerable bankroll compared to the stakes they play.
While better than their opposite, The Shot Taker, The Bankroll Nit could optimize their profits by moving up and playing the highest stakes that their bankroll and skills dictate.
Lever Profile: ↑ Skill ↑ Edge ↓ Stakes

The Shot Take
This is a solid player who puts in the time and effort to do well that their current stakes, but just can’t help taking massive shots when the opportunity comes around.
This is very common for low/midstakes MTT players who will risk their entire year’s profit trying for a massive score in a COOP or the WSOP.
Since these shots represent such a large percentage of their roll and profits, they often play poorly when taking shots, making them even more damaging.
Lever Profile: ↓ Edge ↓ Efficiency ↑ Stakes

The Glass Cannon
This player is excellent when playing their A-Game, but is extremely fragile.
They are tough to play against when doing well, but it just takes one bad beat, cooler, or mistake to set them off.
Once the wheels come off, they come off hard.
The Glass Cannon has no B or C-Game, they go straight from A to D. This player is often able to go on big runs when things are going well but can lose it all back in just a few days when it’s not.
Lever Profile: ↓ Efficiency

The Finicky Focuser
This player has a strong understanding of the game but is only able to maintain focus for a short window.
15 minutes into the session they are already on their phones checking social media and missing the action in front of them. An hour in, brain fog and physical fatigue sets in and their focus is gone.
It doesn’t matter how much this player works on their game as they are rarely able to apply the full depth of their knowledge table.
Lever Profile: ↓ Efficiency

The Burnout
Whether it’s from too much volume, not enough recovery, or an extended downswing, The Burn Out is running dry on motivation. Their volume drops dramatically as playing poker feels like the last thing they want to do. When they do play, the focus isn’t there and tilt sets in quickly.
If something doesn’t change their profits will go to zero, as it’s impossible to make money from a game you never play.
Lever Profile: ↓ Efficiency ↓ Volume

The A-Game Player
This player approaches the game as if they were a professional athlete. They diligently work on their technical game, work daily to create and maintain a robust Poker Mindset, and look to optimize their earnings at every step.
They play in highly profitable games and still work on keeping their game sharp. They play substantial volume, but not so much where they are playing poorly or risking burnout.
They take good care of their body and work to reduce all unnecessary stress. They have a clear vision for their lives and take action daily to achieve it. This is the player who does big things in poker and uses the game as a springboard to becoming the best version of themselves.
In my upcoming training (more on that below) I lay out my system for becoming The A-Game Player.
Lever Profile: ↑ Skill ↑ Edge ↑ Efficiency ↑ Stakes ↑ Volume ↓ Rake

On Monday (November 26th), I’ll be opening up enrollment to the Pilot Program for my upcoming “A-Game Poker Masterclass” training course.
I’m only offering spots in the Pilot Program to a select group of customers and clients, and since you’re reading this email now, it means you’re on the list.
This training is the culmination of all the work I’ve done privately coaching many of the best players in the world, and the systems I’ve built running the only training site dedicated to teaching non-technical poker skills.
This will be the most comprehensive training ever created on the topic of Poker Mindset and playing high-performance poker.
I’ll fill you in on all the details on Monday.
If this week’s training resonated with you and opened your eyes to all the ways you can boost your profits outside of strictly technical training…
Or you saw some of your own game in any of the “Bottleneck Profiles”…
…then you’ll want to keep an eye on your inbox for that announcement.
Talk Soon,
Elliot Roe