Contrary to the mysticism and theatrics seen on television and stage shows hypnosis is a natural state produced frequently in the human mind. We enter this state many times during the day usually unnoticed. An example could be whilst driving on the freeway and suddenly realizing you can’t remember 20 minutes of the journey or a vivid daydream about a meal where you can imagine the food so vividly your mouth begins to water. A competent hypnotist can help you reach this stage through guided meditation and once in mental state great changes can be made. Evidence of the power of this state can be seen in the many hundreds of serious operations that have taken place under hypnosis rather than anaesthesia. Hypnotists have also demonstrated considerable effects in the cure of many phobias, psychological issues and physical symptoms such as IBS and even eczema.
What makes hypnosis so effective?
Although many people want change in their lives, maybe weight loss or to quit smoking they are unable to do so. This is because although they consciously want the change their subconscious is fighting against them. Much of the way we act is determined by what we have learned in our childhood and through habits so although we may rationally understand the negative impacts of our actions creating that change can be very difficult.
Once in a hypnotic state the subconscious can be communicated with directly, either by “Suggestion” the hypnotist speaks directly to the client with a series of suggestions each encouraging change. Or by a hypno-analysis where the hypnotist asks the client to remember back to the initial sensitizing event of their issue and resolves it directly with the subconscious. This direct communication with the subconscious means the resistance to change is removed and positive progress can be made quickly and easily. Many hypnotherapists believe that work which would take many years using a traditional Freudian psychological approach could take as little as a couple of months if hypnotherapy is utilized.
Hypnosis and Poker
Poker is a game that once you have mastered the mathematics of the hands is fought primarily in the mind. Many poker players believe that tilt can be the difference between them being a profitable winning player and complete failure at the table.
Hypnosis can help provide support for many of the skills needed in the game. Suggestion can be used to improve focus, patience and awareness at the table and also to create triggers to reduce stress and tilt. For more ingrained tilt issues regression therapy can be used to help resolve long held issues and make peace with the ego. Creating a poker player with a much deeper level of emotional self control.
Imagine knowing each time you sit at the table or log into your poker account you will be in the perfect mindset ready to play your “A” game. Imagine feeling tilt kicking in after a bad beat and being able to stop it in its tracks with a simple clench of your fist or deep breath. These situations are possible with hypnosis and I have clients who can provide testimony.
I believe hypnosis to be the fastest and easiest route to controlling Tilt in poker and expect it to be a tool utilized by many of the most successful poker professionals over the next few years.