Everyone has at some time self sabotaged. This is when we get in the way of our own success or happiness. So how does self sabotage relate to the poker table? Dodging Emotions: The Help That Harms It’s not rare to see a player who’s tilting at the table order another drink from the bar […]
Continue readingI recently read “The Art of Learning” (http://www.joshwaitzkin.com) was very impressed with the concepts Waitzkin used to reach the pinnacle of both Chess and Martial arts. For those who haven’t heard of Waitzkin, he was a child chess prodigy made famous by the film “Searching for Bobby Fisher”. He competed in Chess worldwide and won […]
Continue readingOne of the biggest concerns players have when using the Mp3’s I produce is the focus on “A Game” and “Perfect Poker” throughout the audio. They state quite correctly that it’s not possible to play their “A Game” every session and they question why I would promote that mindset. The issue with focusing on the […]
Continue readingMost of us are familiar with optical illusions. An optical illusion is a visual trick played on the mind using an image that is perceived in a way that is different from what it is in objective reality. Our brain processes what it sees, and fills in the gaps using the knowledge from past experiences. […]
Continue readingIf you read around the topic of hypnosis you will frequently hear about the bypassing of the conscious critical faculty and it’s importance within the therapy. The conscious critical faculty is the internal filter we use to interpret of how the world works based on all we have learnt rightly or wrongly since we were […]
Continue readingContrary to the mysticism and theatrics seen on television and stage shows hypnosis is a natural state produced frequently in the human mind. We enter this state many times during the day usually unnoticed. An example could be whilst driving on the freeway and suddenly realizing you can’t remember 20 minutes of the journey or […]
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